Friday, 28 May 2010


Last night's class covered various simple actions against a fistic attack, such as the stop hit, parry on the outside and riposte with the fist or riposting with the chassé bas after leaping back out of distance.

As mentioned, movements such as the punches, kicks, lunges &c. can take a lot of repetitions to get right. As our weekly training sessions are limited in number it is a good idea to practice these at home during the week; it will make noticeable improvements in your training if you can get more repetitions under your belt between sessions.

The same applies to fitness; class time is limited and must, other than the essential warm up, concentrate on the techniques and principles of art. If you would like to develop increased fitness (always useful) then additional training outside the class is also recommended.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


A page giving links to or actual text of translations of sections of Renaud's 1912 work is now available here.

Friday, 21 May 2010

Timetable update

I've noticed that the timetable was a bit out of date; this has now been corrected and it can be seen here.

In addition, it is worth posting this reminder of one of the major sources of cane technique that are taught in the cane classes. The other source is, of course, Prof. Bracewell.