Monday, 1 November 2010

Last sessions for 2010

Please note that the last session, on the 16th, will be the prize playing. Rules for this will be announced in due course. The university club then closes on Wednesday morning the week after this. We'll be back in again on the 6th; details of that will be announced later.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

The timetable has been updated with the latest sessions and can be found here. In those cases where the timetable hasn't been updated you can guess what's going to happen by extrapolating from previous months.

N.B. there's a pugilistic session booked for the 12th of September, 2-4pm, in the usual venue.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Timetable update

Apologies for the belated update of the timetable.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

New text

A reprint of Longhurst's 1906 treatise has now been republished. It can be purchased very cheaply, particularly in conjunction with the free postage offer that's still operating, or downloaded for free.

Friday, 11 June 2010


Please note the interesting range of classes at the forthcoming Fightcamp event. This is a cheap and easy way to see a variety of HEMA systems (or to find opponents for bouts) and well worth attending.

Beware, places are limited!

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Sunday training

A session has been booked for 2-4pm on Sunday the 13th. Come equipped for pugilism but bring a fencing mask if you have one, and read this first.

Friday, 28 May 2010


Last night's class covered various simple actions against a fistic attack, such as the stop hit, parry on the outside and riposte with the fist or riposting with the chassé bas after leaping back out of distance.

As mentioned, movements such as the punches, kicks, lunges &c. can take a lot of repetitions to get right. As our weekly training sessions are limited in number it is a good idea to practice these at home during the week; it will make noticeable improvements in your training if you can get more repetitions under your belt between sessions.

The same applies to fitness; class time is limited and must, other than the essential warm up, concentrate on the techniques and principles of art. If you would like to develop increased fitness (always useful) then additional training outside the class is also recommended.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


A page giving links to or actual text of translations of sections of Renaud's 1912 work is now available here.

Friday, 21 May 2010

Timetable update

I've noticed that the timetable was a bit out of date; this has now been corrected and it can be seen here.

In addition, it is worth posting this reminder of one of the major sources of cane technique that are taught in the cane classes. The other source is, of course, Prof. Bracewell.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

A pugilistic session has been booked for 2-4pm on this coming Sunday (11th), which will include work on both the fists and the feet.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Training for March and April

More sessions have been booked for March the 11th, 18th and 25th as well as Sunday the 14th (2-4pm). In April the sessions will be the 8th, 15th 22nd and 29th, with one more session booked for May the 6th.

Please note that the venue is closed on April the 1st; please keep an eye out for extra Sunday sessions to make up for this.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Sunday pugilism

A session has been booked at the usual venue for 2-4pm on Sunday the 14th. The topic will be pugilism, including low kicks as well as punching and working on slipping.

Monday, 8 February 2010


So far this year I've been asked to present classes at four events. Here's a quick summary in case anyone is interested:

SWASH, 20-21 Feb. The class here will involve punches and simple low kicks according to Émile André.

Evolution, 25th April. This will be a class in pugilism, covering striking and grappling.

Fightcamp, 13th-15th August. There should be two classes here; one on Hope's New Method and another on pugilism, or possibly André's simplified method of defence.

Smallsword Symposium, 2nd-3rd October. As the name suggests this will be sword work. There should be one class on sword-cane tactics and another on techniques for the corps-à-corps.

Sunday, 31 January 2010

New training arrangement

The current system of class rotation has worked quite well, particularly in giving reasonably long sequences of lessons enabling points to be looked at in depth. However, there are disadvantages and the time has come to change it. So, for the weekly sessions each month will go as follows:

1. Small-sword.
2. As week 1.
3. Back-sword or cane.
4. Pugilism or Boxe Française.
5. A surprise! (i.e. the instructor(s) will come up with something extra if there are 5 Thursdays in the month).

This new timetable will start in March.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Sunday seminar, 24/1/10

This seminar will be from 3-5pm (but please arrive at around 2.45) in the usual venue. Mr. Marwood will be along to cover some Bartitsu-related Ju-Jitsu and there will be some Boxe Française as well.

Training, 14/1/10-4/3/10

The regular classes are as below:

January 2010:
Small-sword: 14th, 21st, 28th.

February 2010:
Pugilism: 4th, 11th, 18th.
Small-sword: 25th.

March 2010:
Small-sword: 4th.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Why this blog?

The purpose of this blog is to flip out and provide updates via RSS for those who are interested in finding out what training sessions will be happening when. Other information directly related to training in Oxford may appear here as well.